Thursday, August 28, 2014

Poco Bot Out for a Walk

Robots tell different stories when they have different bodies. The new Poco Bot custom by Herbert K now finds itself outside, exploring the wide-open world.

"It's scary standing up this tall. I could fall down any second!"
"But I'm going to do it! I know I can walk tall!"
See? I can step up on this rock now. Couldn't do that before.
Okay, this is kinda fun. I'll see you guys later!
Thanks Herbert, for sharing more excellent photos of your Poco Bot Custom! More to see soon!


Anonymous said...

Is there a template for it?

Josh Buczynski said...

Sorry, there is no template available. This was a custom creation from 2015 from Herbert, and all I did was show the photographs, cause they were pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Ok thank you

Anonymous said...

Is there going to be and more designs for pocobot made that can be downloaded?

Anonymous said...

Is pocobot going to have a new color and design?