Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Robo Trio

"You were right... it's another bot... a Builder?"
"Shh! We're going to sneak up!"
"Hi there!"
"WOAH! You knew I was there!"

"Of course. My name is HAM-R and I know this place well. I have
spent a thousand hours out here, planning and searching..."
"Wow, you've been a lost robot for a while..."
"I'm COMP-S. I'm an Adventurer too."

"I'm no mere Adventurer. I'm an Engineer and my goal is
to find the perfect spot and raise fantastic structures!"

"Well, you are in luck..."

"There are several bots nearby; I think they are busy making something!"
"We should go see! I may enlist them for a great project!"
"You know I'll come along!"

to be continued...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

PDF Patterns Now Easier to Download

I was receiving messages telling me that some files for some paper toys were not able to be downloaded. I think this was due to using Google Docs to store the PDF files; this seemed to be a problem for some people in countries outside of the US.

All files have been relocated from Google Docs to another location. Check out the links if you have had trouble downloading some of the older paper toys on this site:

Sweet Robo
Poco Bot
Crocco (instructions)

If you've been having any other troubles accessing files, let me know!

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Robo Duo

"Sqqquuaaawwk! That'll confuse that explorer! I can sneak up now."
"I know I heard something. Sounded like a sick bird that..."

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Orange Robo Gallery

Two things this Orange Bot's got! Pose-ability and Expression! Take a look:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sneaky Peek

- height: 8.25 inches
- total pages: ~2.5 sheets
- sibling: bigger brother...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tiny Toys - Robot and Butterfly

Half-Bot and Butterfly are two free toys I designed to help promote my upcoming "Let's Make Paper Toys" workshop at the Durham Arts Council in Durham, NC.

These simple half-page toys are easy to put together, yet still have fun pose-ability for their size. If you find a flyer in the wild, nestled inside is a half-sheet of pre-cut/perforated, color card stock stuffed with parts to pop out. The instructions are inside the flyer. I left the parts blank so that they can be decorated - being creative is a big theme in the workshop!

Do you want a printable version of these toys right now? Click "Read More" below to download your own PDF of these patterns and to get the illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lets Make Paper Toys

I am very happy to present a children's workshop at the Durham Arts Council this winter and spring, called "Let's Make Paper Toys!"

Over the last few months, I have been lucky enough to be a guest artist during several afternoon art sessions, and through these, I came to develop my Poplocks Free-Forms idea.

If you are local to the Durham, North Carolina area, please check out the Durham Arts Council at

The below image provides more information about the workshop. I've posted a few of these flyers around and some of them have a surprise inside... I'll post those up very soon!