With the release of the Poplocks Super Combiners PDF (only $2!), there's more to build now! And lookee here, it's another double build - this time, with the R-MZ paper toy.
Normally, he's a pretty stand-up guy, but when you combine two R-MZ (Arms) and put on their eye mask, they assume the role of R-MND-0 (Armando), the annoying practical-joke-playing robot that shows up at parties uninvited.
R-MND-0 can be a real pest. He sneeks up on his monocular brethern and surprises them with a hug. Sadly, R-MND-0 isn't programmed to be aware of personal space and doesn't have appropriate force sensors on his arms... the unexpected can and does occur.
You can print out and build your own R-MZ Poplock bots and combine them to make your own R-MND-0! For only $2 gets you all four Series 1 Super Combiner bots plus a bonus page of parts. Check out the details by clicking on the icon below. What can you build?