Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sweet Robo

Here's another cute little robot toy for you to build! Sweet Robo is just one piece of paper, and uses new "single piece" flat axle construction! Fold and glue the flat axle piece into a circle. Bend the edges on one side, then screw it into it's socket on the body pieces.

This one-piece flat axle design is easier to assemble and allows for a really tight, smooth fit. Sweet Robo will hold his pose with incredible tenacity! 


OkikteluK said...

Many Thanks for this fabulous & friendly toy !

Hobikit said...

Hi Josh, I'm Arif of we've been co authoring the BYOPR book few years back if you remember. May I ask your permission to use your flat axle construction within my next models? Many thanks and I admire your designs as always. :)
cheers. My contact is at

Its nice to contact you!

Ricardo Nakamura said...

Your models are awesome, thanks for sharing them! I'll try to build a Sweet Robo to place on my work desk :)

OkikteluK said...

I've made your red angry bird the day before ;)